Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Kirby's Epic Yarn Review time!

So let's have some kind of a backstory here .. When I was younger, I really loved videogames but rarely did I play them myself, firstly because I had an older brother that claimed that our consoles were his, and secondly because, being older, he was obviously better than me and that was frustrating. So for the most part I only watched people playing videogames because I thought I sucked. Obviously that is no longer the case, thankfully. Still, there were two game series that I never, ever stopped playing in my entire life. The first one is Pokémon, and the second one is Kirby.

So, Kirby. I love those games to death, not a fan of platformers usually but the Kirby games are so bright and fun and overall, well, easier. [depends though, Sakurai likes having hard boss fights so while the stages are easy the bosses aren't always so] So yeah, I played pretty much every regular Kirby game [not the spin-offs, they kind of suck imo] and I loved them all. Obviously when I learned that there would be, finally, a Kirby game for the Wii, I was really excited. I was thinking they'd do a game similar to Kirby 64, in sorta half-3D, or a completely 3D game. So when I learned that it was going to be a regular platformer, I was kinda disappointed.

However the previews were promising. The graphic was extremely pleasing and original, and the guys at E3 that tried the game said it was good. And since it was a Kirby game and I'm a huge fan, I couldn't actually hate it. So here's my review of the game. I'll try to be objective but I'm not promising much, for all of the reasons stated above. Also bear in mind that I haven't finished the game yet so I haven't seen everything.

So the story starts with Kirby taking a stroll or whatever in peaceful Dreamland, when suddenly!! an evil wizard called Yin-Yarn [that transforms stuff into yarn] sends him into Patchland, which is a land made of Yarn and other various fabrics. There he meets Prince Fluffy, who is a blue kirby-like creature with brows and a crown. Prince Fluffy tells Kirby that Patchland has been torn a part by Yin-Yarn and Kirby, being Kirby, decides to help the Prince to stitch the kingdom back together.

As you can story, the story is, well .. childish, to say the least. However that's pretty much the case of every kirby game and honestly, who the hell plays these games for their stories? They're just there to form a sort of plot behind the gameplay, that's all. So while the backstory of the game is a little lacking, I don't think it's really that much of a problem.

Onto the main part [in my opinion] : the gameplay. It plays like any normal platformer : a d-pad, a button to jump and a button to attack. Simple and effective. Now my main concern with the gameplay, prior to actually playing the game, was the wiimote. You see, to play the game, you hold the wiimote sideways. I thought it would be weird and unpractical, but no. You don't actually use the A and B buttons, but the 1 and 2, so it feels like any other controller.

Also, in this game, Kirby lose his inhale/copy power ability. It's a bit of a shame because it was something that I really liked, exploring the different possibilities of the different powers and combos [like in Crystal Shards or the Dreamland serie with the animals] However this is replaced by some parts of the stages transforming Kirby into some kind of vehicle [like a firetruck or a sort of rally car]. You get transformed into a firetruck during a fire stage, for example, and then have to extinguish fires before they can burn you. I'm really explaining this badly, my english kinda sucks tonight.

Anyway, some of these transformations are rather nice and entertaining and others are just kinda annoying, but I guess it depends on everyone. Oh yeah, another change in the gameplay is that you no longer have ''hitpoints'. If you run out of beads, you don't actually die, there's no game over. The thing is that you get a score from how many beads you have when you finish the stage, so the less you get hit and the more you collect beads, the highest score you'll get. I think it's a good idea because that way, everyone can play the game and beat it without it being extremely frustrating. However, it alsos leaves place for challenge : you wanna have the highest score possible. So a gamer that wants some challenge will have some, since you lose a rather large amount of beads whenever you get hit.

Furthermore, each stage has 3 hidden items that you can find. Some of them are more hidden than others of course, and it's quite fun to try and get them all. Reminds me a bit of The Great Cave Offensive of Super Star. There are also some minigames but I'm not gonna talk about them since they aren't that relevant and I'm pretty sure you aren't obligated to them at all.

This review is getting way longer than I expected. Anyway, we're gonna talking about the graphics! Now, I'm not that much of a fan of the super-realistic graphics trend that's been going on lately. Sure, FFXIII looks really great and all, but I want my videogames to look like, well, videogames. Not reality. I also really love it when they try to find an interesting style for the game's graphics, instead of just being OH HEY LOOK HOW REALISTIC WE ARE [by the way guys you'll need a HD tv to fully appreciate this, lulz] To me, games with graphics like Okami, for instance, are just as breathtaking, if not more, than uber-realistic games. But I digress.

Like every other kirby game, the graphics are very colourful and cute. Everything looks like it's really made from cloth, and mostly everything is so imaginative. The ''fabric concept'' actually takes a part in the gameplay : you swing kirby accross pits by tying him to some buttons, etc. It's really nice. You can often interact with the background but pulling threads and unzipping things. Plus, like I said, some of the stages are just so damn cute! The Sweet Park one reminds me of an Angelic Pretty print, and I wish I could find pictures of it right now, dammit! Anyway, pretty much every stage is some kind of eye-candy, none of them are boring looking.

The only thing that I don't like so much about the game is the music. It's not bad, it's just not .. energetic enough for me. It fits well with the rest of the game though, I guess I was just expecting some cheery music like Green Greens.

So, for TL;DR people : if you like platformers or are a Kirby fan : this is for you! If you're unsure about the game, give it a try, it's a good one. Finally, if you do not like platformers at all, or if you think Kirby is cheesy, well, it will probably not be for you. I think it's still worth a try though, the game is pretty easy is you don't mind getting a high score so it's not frustrating, and hell, my brother and his bunch of friends love it! And they're all 20s something grown men! You won't be emasculated from playing this game I promise! And in any case, it will never be as bad as Robot Unicorn Attack.

Sooo that's about it. I apologize for the overly long review. I gotta say I write these mostly for myself, they're a great english practise I think. It's also rather fun to think about what I like and don't like about a game, a book or a movie. I prefer doing game reviews though, since I feel like I can comment better about the gameplay and all, as opposed to criticising someone's writing style or something. [Also lately I mostly read classics and I don't think I'm up to the challenge of making a review of War and Peace and Les Misérables haha]

FFf GOTTA STOP TYPIIIING I love typing on my netbook since I haven't fucked up the keyboard yet~ I somehow tend to fuck up beyond repair every keyboard I can lay my hands on for a while. It's because I type very fast and uh, furiously. I'm not always like this but when I'm having an interesting conversation with someone on msn you can literally hear me typing at the other side of the house. I'm not really conscious of this either, I'm not doing it on purpose. So yeah, beware, little keyboards .. :B


Monday, December 27, 2010


Long time no see. Obviously, I've been too busy celebrating Christmas and then being lazy to update. But now I have nothing to do, so .. :B

I don't really have anything to say about Christmas Eve since everything went pretty much like always. My brother and his girlfriend came home in the afternoon and we all took a stroll in the forest with snowshoes .. haha snowshoes, it sounds so weird in english xD Anyway. We played a quiz game in the evening and I won of course :B

Now, to the most interesting part : unwrapping the gifts! I gave a book to my dad, some eau de toilette to my mom, tea to my brother's girlfriend and a DS game to my brother [Scribblenauts]. As for me, here's what I got :

A nice pocketwatch from my brother! It's really awesome and nicely made too. However I guess it's kinda fragile since it was rather unexpensive so I'll have to take care of it.

A prussian flag from my brother's girlfriend! This is totally unexpected XD It's really huge too .. Anyway, as you may or may not know, my dream cosplay right now is war of Austrian succession Prussia. Having received this flag really motivates me to actually try and do it, even though I do not look like the perfect Prussia and all.

Also, I got a sewing machine! Unexpected also, my mom didn't seem very enthusiastic when I was telling her I wanted to learn how to sew and all. Anyway, now I'll actually be able to make my own cosplays and clothes! Well, I hope so. For now I've only made a small Alice bow. But I guess it's not to bad since before that I had never even touched a damn sewing machine xD So I kinda had to figure how it worked on my own since my mom doesn't know how either.

But this is definitely the most awesome gift .. the one that really makes me feel way too spoiled ..
I GOT A NETBOOK! It was on my christmas list but I didn't really think I'd get one. Seriously .. my parents are crazy XD I'm so glad though, I love it! I'm actually using it right now haha. I can't wait to bring it to school XD.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot that I also got Kirby's Epic Yarn! I think I'll do a small review soon, I need to praise this game.

Last thing before I leave : I finished the first tome of War and Peace! Go me! I started the second tome yesterday. All I can say for now is WHAT THE HELL NATACHA Prince André is way better than that Anatole Kouraguine! Also, Napoléon, don't you dare eradicate Prussia from Europe! You won't succeed! XD Aaand that's it.

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas! And if that wasn't the case, well, I hope you'll have some fun soon!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fun times ahead!

So! It's about time for an update! I've been way too busy with school in the past weeks but now, it's over. I'm glad. It was my most awesome semester so far though, thanks to all the great friends I've made. Thank you.

Moving on, now it's Christmas Vacations, so it's time to have some fun! So, let's talk about geeky stuff. Yesterday I finally watched the first episode of Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt [it's an anime, not exactly about actual panties, lol] and .. I like it. Wtf, self? I thought you hated crude humor? But yeah, somehow I find this anime really funny. I like the art style too, it's refreshing, and the animation is slick. It makes me want to cosplay Stocking XD I really like her.

Talking about crude things. Yesterday I decided to buy No More Heroes, after a lot of hesitation. It was on sale though. So, I stating playing and .. What the hell xD It's so funny and so .. random .. anyway. The only thing I don't like is that the camera is a bit wonky and controls are a bit weird sometimes .. but that's about it. I like the game so far.

Anyway, today I have a lot of chores to do so I'll make a better update later.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

A mixture of good and bad ..

There's less than a week and a half left of school .. but I'm not feeling it, there's still so much to do. I'm looking forward to the vacations, though I know I'll miss everyone :\ I hate living so far away.

Anyway .. right now I kinda feel like I fail at being a good friend .. I'm sorry I can never find the right words at the right time, and I always end up saying something stupid. I wish I could make everyone happy but I guess that's not possible, especially if I'm unhappy myself. So let's fake a smile and go on.

Yesterday I went to get my hair dyed .. kinda disappointed with the result as it's way too dark for my taste but it's not too bad either. I also bought some clothes, and my mom paid! Awesome! So I got new pants, a new jacket [black obviously, it's made in corduroy] and three new shirts [black one with short sleeves, black one with long sleeves and white one with long sleeves]. Everyone was rather unexpensive so it's nice.

Also, I got my wig! At first I was a bit disappointed, the color isn't as golden yellow as I thought it would be and it was styled weirdly. But I wore it again today and now I really like it xD It just needs some styling and I'll have to cut the bangs.

Here's a pic :

As you can see the bands are getting in my eyes 'cause they are too long. I'm also wearing one of my new shirts \o/.

Aaand that's about it. I forgot to mention something cool that I bought yesterday but that'll wait for next time.
