Yesterday, we had a Halloween Party at school. I had decided to dress up as a british boy from the victorian era, or, more exactly, as Ciel Phantomhive [without the wig and the awesome shirt that I shall buy eventually]. So yeah, I got a lot a compliments, especially for my mini hat.
Otherwise the party itself .. was okay. I'm not the party type really :\ I mean, we had free food, which is ALWAYS good, but yeah, I mostly talked with the same 3-4 persons. I'm glad I went though, it was fun to see everyone's costume. Some were way awesome, like the guy that dressed as Wilhem II [sounds so weird to call him that, since in french is name is Guillaume II, but oh well] Anyway if you don't know who that is [and I bet you don't], it's the german emperor that was in charge during World War 1. I should have dressed as Frederick the Great, dammit!
Since today was the last day of school before Halloween, I decided to dress up as ''Ciel'' again. There were a few others people that were dressed up as well, which was nice. A lot of random people told me they liked my hat XD I guess I should wear it more often ..
Anyway, I'm happy now since I have an entire week of holiday to look forward! I really needed that break .. I was getting more and more tired everyday. It also means that the semester is halfway done, which is good because I'm actually looking forward to university. Speaking of which, some guy told me that I should try to go to McGill University .. That'd be pretty awesome actually .. But, it's a bit too expensive for me, even though I could get a scholarship, since I have pretty good marks. Still, I think it'll wait for after my bachelor's degree.
And thaaat's about it. Tomorrow I'll carve a pumpkin and get in the mood for Halloween! I should search for more Halloween-esque songs .. Right now I'm listening to Hatsune Miku's Mrs. Pumpkin's Funny Dream, which is an awesome song with a very creepy tone.
Uuuh that's about it!